Lars van der Laan

University of Washington, Seattle. Department of Statistics



Padelford Hall, Northeast Stevens Way

Seattle, WA 98103

About me

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Statistics at the University of Washington, specializing in causal inference and debiased machine learning. I am advised by Marco Carone, PhD and Alex Luedtke, PhD. I also collaborate with Ahmed Alaa at UC Berkeley Computational Precision Health on model calibration and conformal prediction. My research is currently supported by a Netflix Graduate Research Fellowship, through which I work with Nathan Kallus and Aurelien Bibaut. For more detail on my background, please check out my CV.

My research interests encompass a wide range of areas, including semiparametric statistics, statistical learning and calibration, reinforcement learning, debiased machine learning, and causal inference. I am enthusiastic about applying these methodologies to various domains, such as survival and longitudinal data analysis, inference on heterogeneous treatment effects, and personalized decision-making.

For the latest updates on my research, you can follow me on Twitter at @Larsvanderlaan3 and connect with me on LinkedIn. Additionally, you can access all my research publications on my Google Scholar profile. To explore a curated selection of my works, please visit the publications tab.

selected publications


  1. Generalized Venn and Venn-Abers Calibration with Applications in Conformal Prediction
    Lars Laan, and Ahmed Alaa
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.05676, 2025
  2. Automatic Debiased Machine Learning for Smooth Functionals of Nonparametric M-Estimands
    Lars van der Laan, Aurelien Bibaut, Nathan Kallus, and 1 more author
  3. Automatic Double Reinforcement Learning in Semiparametric Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Long-Term Causal Inference
    Lars van der Laan, David Hubbard, Allen Tran, and 2 more authors


  1. Automatic doubly robust inference for linear functionals via calibrated debiased machine learning
    Lars van der Laan, Alex Luedtke, and Marco Carone
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.02771, 2024
  2. Stabilized Inverse Probability Weighting via Isotonic Calibration
    Lars van der Laan, Ziming Lin, Marco Carone, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.06342, 2024
  3. Self-Calibrating Conformal Prediction
    Lars van der Laan, and Ahmed M. Alaa
    The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024
  4. Adaptive-TMLE for the Average Treatment Effect based on Randomized Controlled Trial Augmented with Real-World Data
    Mark van der Laan, Sky Qiu, and Lars van der Laan
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.07186, 2024
  5. Combining T-learning and DR-learning: a framework for oracle-efficient estimation of causal contrasts
    Lars van der Laan, Marco Carone, and Alex Luedtke
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01972, 2024


  1. Adaptive debiased machine learning using data-driven model selection techniques
    Lars van der Laan, Marco Carone, Alex Luedtke, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.12544, 2023
  2. Causal isotonic calibration for heterogeneous treatment effects
    Lars van der Laan, Ernesto Ulloa-Pérez, Marco Carone, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023


  1. hal9001: The scalable highly adaptive lasso
    Jeremy R Coyle, Nima S Hejazi, Rachael V Phillips, and 2 more authors
    R package version 0.4.2